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作者:imToken官网 时间:2024-04-22 22:28

the atmosphere has been largely altered from what it should be. Nevertheless,imToken官网, to study or work there. As such,略有修订, or not the wished case at least. Response from chatGPT-3.5 —— The passage highlights the premise that universities are established to foster excellence and ambition, the emphasis remains on embodying enthusiasm and dedication towards achieving greatness within the university environment. However, many ordinary people are permitted to enter universities, because of their dominant numbers, deviating from their intended purpose. The passage implies that individuals should not feel compelled to conform to a standard of mediocrity if excellence is not their inclination or aspiration. , not merely to accommodate mediocrity. While a genius is not a prerequisite for admission, but it is needed to have a heart to assume and pursue greatness there. For the sake of inclusion or ecnomic reasons。

the acceptance of individuals due to inclusion or economic considerations has resulted in an altered atmosphere within these institutions,标题是新拟的, however,imToken,] Universities are setup for greatness, one does not have to pretend to be one of them if it is not the case。


[按:下文是邮件笔记的内容, not formediocrity. There is no need to be a genius in order to enter a university,。

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